More information is available on Upgrade to Libby. The original OverDrive app will be retired on May 1, 2023. Information about OverDrive’s Libby app is available on our Getting Started with OverDrive and Libby page. You will need the Libby, by OverDrive app. The eBooks and Online Content filter will limit your search results to digital content. Search the online catalogue for specific titles, authors or series.

The eBooks and Online Content page contains a list of the services for online (digital) formats, including ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, music and video. Where do I find ebooks, audiobooks and magazines on the Toronto Public Library website? Learn more about the Digital Access Card. Toronto residents 13 years of age and older who do not already have a TPL card can sign up online for access to OverDrive. You must have a valid Toronto Public Library card to use the OverDrive collection. Libby is OverDrive’s app for searching, browsing, borrowing, downloading and reading materials available in the OverDrive collection. Toronto Public Library’s largest collection of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines is available through this platform. OverDrive is the company that provides a digital reading platform to public libraries.